Friday, February 16, 2007

The Environment Statistics Section of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)

Data Collection 2006
The UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire 2006 on Environment Statistics was the fourth round of UNSD’s biennial data collection activities including all countries except those who are covered by the OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire on the State of the Environment.

To date, a total of 78 countries or areas have replied and sent relevant national data. Response rates vary strongly by region. The best response rates are from Latin America and the Caribbean and Eastern Europe. Africa, Western Asia, Asia and the Pacific show low response rates. The best reported subject areas are water resources, public water supply, municipal waste and hazardous waste.

Following a thorough validation process selected data sets will be published on the Main Indicators pages by the end of February 2007. Additional data will later be available on the website in the form of country snapshots.

UNSD thanks all responding countries for their great efforts in filling in the questionnaire. All countries are still encouraged to send available or updated data to UNSD as they become available. The Questionnaires received from the countries will be made available on the Country Data pages on the website.

Global Assessment of Environment Statistics and Environmental-Economic Accounting
To assess the state of national implementation of Environment Statistics and Environmental-Economic Accounting Programmes and to identify priorities and future plans in these fields, a global assessment has been carried out under the aegis of the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) in collaboration with the Inter-Secretariat Working Group on Environment Statistics (IWG-ENV).

To date, 99 countries responded to the questionnaire. A detailed analysis of the responses will be posted on the web.

The questionnaire of the Global Assessment is posted on the UNSD website at
Countries who have not yet replied are encouraged to send the completed questionnaires to UNSD.

The Global Assessment will continue in May 2007 with a second phase when countries will receive follow-up questions tailored to the subject areas they cover in their programmes.

Strategic Plan for the Institutionalization and Development of Environment and Energy Statistics in the ECOWAS Region

As a follow-up to the UNSD/ECOWAS project “Strengthening Statistical Capacity-building in Support of the Millennium Development Goals in the region of the Economic Community of West African States”,
the ECOWAS Secretariat, with the technical assistance of UNSD, developed two strategic frameworks, including the establishment of a Regional Technical Committee, for institutionalizing and strengthening capacity in energy and environment statistics in ECOWAS Member States.
The strategic framework for environment statistics is available here in English and French


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