Saturday, March 03, 2007

ENVIROMENTAL EDUCATION ;Resources for the Future, Inc. / Quality of the Environment Division

Though theoretically,there is enviromental policy in TANZANIA,
Practically,there is no implementation of that policy and even its LAWS,remain a mare paper tiger.

This cause serious and non end enviromenta destruction in tanzania,

And since there is no stong implemented ENVIROMENTAL EDUCATION from primary to higher learning institutions level,

there is no even independent education to University students and colledges of TANZANIA,

in my submission,
i think,to educate "even at basic level" higher institutions students,that means University and Colledge students on enviromental issue and protection,will create large number of intellectualls

who could help the nation on preventing enviroments and education their societies the benefit and protection of enviroments.

vivid example, there is no even enviromental clubs at out respectives universities and colledges,

and my simple poll show that,graduates now nothing about enviromental issues and protections, save only those who take couse/study in that fields as part of their studies or degree.

SO that we must establish COMPULSORY ENVIROMETAL STUDIES TO THE HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTIONS STUDENTS or strong enviromental protection campaigns,

Environmental problems, including interdisciplinary team projects applying regional design to environmental situations and opportunities in wilderness and wilderness fringe areas; rural communities; and urban, urban fringe,

and inner city areas throughout upper midwest. Works with state agencies, community groups, and corporations in identifying and developing creative options involving physical changes protecting human and environmental rights.

Risk analysis, global environmental change, environment and development, and technological hazards.
PUBLICATIONS: CENTED Reprints; CENTED Research Reports; CENTED Monographs; CENTED Working Papers. EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES: Distinguished Lecture Series.
and Focus Newsletter.

Resources for the Future;
SCOPE: Management of air, water, and land pollution and the conservation of natural and environmental resources. Focuses on the environmental consequences of human activity and how public decisions affecting the environment are made.

Past research projects include an estimate of the recreation benefits accruing from water pollution control, the health benefits from reducing drinking water contamination, the crop damages avoided by reducing ground-level ozone concentrations, the relationship between air pollution and lung infection, the economics of controlling groundwater pollution, development of an improved methodology for determining the costs of regulation, design of studies for development of fish and wildlife mitigation policies, and development of alternatives for reducing generation of hazardous wastes, and assessment of natural resource damage from oil spills and releases of hazardous substances.

SERVICES: Provides congressional testimony; Prepares articles, for national newspapers. EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES: Workshops and Seminars.

Global Environmental Technologies

SCOPE: Interdisciplinary research in environmental problems that cross international boundaries, including stratospheric ozone depletion, global warming, acid rain, and protection of the global commons. Specific projects include assessment of the impact of international environmental treaties, development of new engineering approaches to reduce reliance on halons, recycling/recovery of chemicals restricted by international treaties, assessment of alternative cleaning technologies, and development of alternatives to ozone-depleting technologies. SERVICES: Technology transfer, to developing nations.


Global Change and Environmental Quality Program;
SCOPE: Global change and environmental quality research, including global climate change, local and regional environmental quality, and sustainable development.


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